
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

Electronic Sell Through (EST)

Electronic Sell Through (EST) or sometimes also known as Download to Own (DTO) is referred to digital sale of media where consumers pays a one-time fee to download the media for unlimited viewing or accessed on demand via the Internet, Mobile and Cable. It is also described as an extension to Home Video Market. Examples for Electronic Sell Through (EST): iTunes Store, Microsoft Zune, Amazon Video, Walmart

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Embedded Video

Embedding allows you to place or copy the video from its original website onto a different site using “embed code” or an html code. To embed a video, copy the embed code from the original video site and paste the code into the site where you would like the video to appear.   Example of Embed Code: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Basically, “Encoder” is a device that is used to convert data from one format to another. It can be either software or hardware. An encoder is important for converting the forage from your camera to streamable data. RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol) is the most popular format for the converted data. The encoder takes the format that is required and converts it into codecs (decompression/compression/). For instance, H.264 is the standard for streaming internet sources. It is also the suggested video…

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ePub (Electronic Publishing)

ePub or e Publishing (Electronic Publishing) is the process of distributing information through electronic mediums including e-books, online magazines, email, PDF files, the development of digital catalogues and libraries with the help of internet. There is also another form of e Publishing, where content is distributed via CDs or DVDs. Users can access these content on their e-Reader (iPad, Kindle, Tablet. Smartphone etc.) or computer (Desktop/Laptop). In recent years, the scope of ePub has expanded beyond static content to include…

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Upcoming Webinar

Go beyond SaaS. Get Content and Services for your Streaming Business
Go beyond SaaS. Get Content and Services for your Streaming Business

Looking for content licensing, subtitling, dubbing and other services beyond the tech to scale your streaming business? Look no further as Muvi is your one-stop shop offering all kinds of supported services your streaming business needs to thrive.

In this exclusive webinar, we’ll showcase how Muvi is not only offering you its software to build an OTT platform but also has an ecosystem of service partners including content licensing, live production, subtitling, CMS management, ad monetization, live sport fan engagement etc. to help you launch and grow your business in more ways than one.

Things the webinar would cover:

    • Introduction to Muvi’s Service Partner Network: Overview of Muvi’s service partner ecosystem and how it extends beyond just software solutions to help our customers build and scale their streaming platform.
    • Enhancing Your Streaming Platform with Service Partners: How service partners can assist in different areas of streaming operations.
    • How to Scale Your Business with Ease: We will uncover Real-world use cases and benefits of leveraging these partnerships.
    • How Muvi’s partners can be leveraged: How can you avail the services of our partners when you need them


Upcoming Webinar

March 27

9:00 AM PST

30 Minutes