Video On Demand Streaming Services - Latest updates on Video On Demand Streaming Services

YouTube Video Subscriptions: Why They’re Going to Be a Very Hard Sell 27 July 2015

  Google’s YouTube, looking to squeeze new coin from the millions of free videos on the service, aims to launch a subscription-based VOD service later in 2015 that will strip out all ads. But there are many reasons to be skeptical … Continue reading

Cisco Selling TV Set-Top Business For $600 Million 24 July 2015

  Cisco is selling its TV set-top business for about $600 million, essentially unwinding one of its biggest acquisitions, and taking another step away from consumer products. The San Jose networking company announced late Wednesday night that Technicolor is buying its … Continue reading

Netflix Poised to Capture More TV Viewing Time 24 July 2015

  Netflix has fundamentally changed how some people watch television, and that may eventually allow the company to raise its prices. By releasing shows a season at a time instead of doling them out week by week, the streaming leader … Continue reading

EU Opens Antitrust Case Against Major U.S. Studios and Sky UK 24 July 2015

Along with the proliferation of online video on demand services and pressure to make movies available for download sooner, Hollywood studios are facing a new challenge to decades-old business practices: European regulators. The European Union’s top antitrust authority on Thursday charged … Continue reading

New government report shows the state of Australian piracy 23 July 2015

  A report conducted by Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s office, in conjunction with the UK Government, has revealed the staggering scope of Australia’s online piracy. The survey of 2630 people found that 26 per cent of all Australians had consumed … Continue reading

Twitter And Video-On-Demand – Shifting The TV Balance of Power? 23 July 2015

  In April, David Lynch took to Twitter to announce that he was not going to direct the new Twin Peaks TV series. He couldn’t negotiate the right money with Showtime, the network funding its production. Fans were in uproar. … Continue reading

OTT Devices Bring Hulu Streamers Back to the Sofa 23 July 2015

  “The shift to the living room continues,” according to recent research from Hulu. The video on demand service reported that between Q1 2014 and Q1 2015, the share of US Hulu viewers on over-the-top (OTT) devices rose from 44% to … Continue reading

Finally, a Big Streaming Network Is Sharing Ratings Info 23 July 2015

Netflix, Amazon and Hulu have remained stubbornly tight-lipped for years about just how many users are actually streaming content like Orange Is the New Black and Transparent. As a result, no one knows for sure whether the audience for those … Continue reading

Amazon Prime Instant Video set to launch in India 22 July 2015

  Amazon is set to launch its Prime Instant Video service in India this year as part of a US$5 million investment in its Indian e-commerce and subscription-based business, according to local reports. The investment would see an increase in … Continue reading

7 Streaming TV Packages That Will Let You Cut the Cord For Good 22 July 2015

  Cutting the cord could save you $75 per month. Here’s how to do it without missing your favorite shows. With VOD services like Showtime, HBO, Hulu, and many others now streaming their programming online, cord cutting has firmly entered … Continue reading