Review personalized recommendations before publishing them on your website/app
Alie’s “Review Recommendations” feature allows you to analyze and review the final output (recommendations) in readable JSON format even before you integrate it on your website or app. It allows you to explore recommendations, see if they are in sync with the input data and algorithm you selected. Alie offers “add-on filters” to remove any unwanted item from final recommendations. For Ex. You can remove recommendations by adding a filter if you do not want to show items that are rated less than 3 out of 5 stars
Reviewing final recommendations is very simple, just log into Alie CMS, create a new project, add data using APIs or JS Plugins, select the algorithm, and click on View Output (Recommendations). Subsequently, you can hook these recommendations on the appropriate pages of your website or app using APIs provided by Alie.
You can view output (recommendations data) in JSON format. JSON uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs. Recommendations (JSON data) can be directly fetched with the help of APIs provided by Alie.
Alie impeccably recommends content for each user in real-time based on their behavioral data. With Alie’s “Review Recommendations” feature, you can review the recommended items for individual users. For Ex. You are providing behavioral data for 100+ users to Alie, but you want to see the personalized recommendations just for User ‘A’, then as requested Alie will show you the output(recommendations) just for User ‘A’.
Similar to user recommendations, Alie can also produce recommendations based on the items selected. For. Ex. If you select a ‘mobile phone’ to see recommendations, Alie will show you the items which are recommended against a Mobile Phone.
Recommender Engine for your Website or App | Create Personalized Experiences
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